Winnie & Chin (香港 婚紗攝影 Nov 2015)

Taking pre-wedding photos is an important part of wedding preparations to many people, as it signifies the future joyful time in marriage using the combination of beautiful scenery and photography.

In Hong Kong, couples intending to get married always face a dilemma of choosing a right photography company for them. Having done some research myself, I was fortunate enough to have a friend telling me bout Bliss Wedding – a company that I would recommend to other couples.

Those who have done some research online would know that there are potentially a lot of hidden costs in the pre-wedding photo packages. Often, you only get to keep the softcopies of the photos that you picked to be put onto the photo albums, even when hundreds of photos have been taken. Bliss wedding offers to give you the full set of photos taken in a disc. So, not only that you get to pick the pre-agreed number of photos that you want to be put into the photo albums (after editing), you get to keep the rest of the photos, something invaluable as they capture all the sweet moments during the photo shooting day.

Another good thing that I like about Bliss Wedding is the pricing transparency. Most companies do not provide the total package costs on their websites. Bliss Wedding is one of the few exceptions, where this information is available online. For others, you may only get to find out about the hidden costs when you try out your dresses, or when you discuss about photo editing later.
While Bliss Wedding may not offer the cheapest package for wedding photo shooting in the market, the total package is reasonable to us with good quality. Yes, it is true that the transportation costs (including crews’ lunch during the photo shooting day) are borne by the customers, and these are additional costs on top of the package. Even so, I guess this is extra money well spent. The driver we got is quite experienced and is familiar with the different routes in areas like central, which means you get to go around the area to avoid the busy traffic – something that you will definitely appreciate towards the end of the photo shooting day, when you start to feel a bit tired posing for different shots.

The sales representative and dress fitting staff have also served us in a professional manner. I was briefed about the whole photo shooting process from the start till the end in a clear and succinct way before I signed up for the package (including the assessment of how this whole process fits into our wedding planning, and some advice on the choice of photo shooting venues and dresses). Dress fitting was pretty quick for me, and the staff serving us was also patient with my fiancée, who needed to try different dresses before deciding which looks the best on her. We are also happy with the crew that we got during the photo shooting day. The photographer is quite a friendly guy, and make-up artist has done a good job too.

Overall, the whole pre-wedding photo shooting process has been a pleasant one. Even though waking up early and spending the whole day walking in thick and heavy dresses can be tiring and exhausting, we have enjoyed this whole process pretty well, and were glad that we managed through okay (I guess).


Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。 Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。 Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。 Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。

(感謝 Winnie & Chin 與我們分享美麗的婚照)

Bliss Wedding 幸福婚禮
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營業時間:星期一至日及公眾假期 12:00noon - 8:00pm
查詢電話:3580 1671
Whatsapp:9080 7468

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Fanny & Leo (哈施塔特 婚紗攝影 December 2018) Karen & Rex(哈斯塔特 婚紗攝影 January 2019) Kuen & Peter (韓式影樓 婚紗攝影 June 2017) Mei & Sum (香港 婚紗城 婚紗攝影 January 2018) Lam Lam & Chris (婚紗城 婚紗攝影 NOVEMBER 2018)

Bliss Wedding 是本地唯一提供香港、澳門及深圳三個自選景點婚紗攝影服務的香港公司,以專業的服務及吸引的價錢,為客人帶來時尚多元化的婚紗攝影服務,專門店設於九龍太子日昇廣場,是百分百的香港品牌。





時間:星期一至日及公眾假期 12:00noon - 8:00pm
電話:3580 1671
Whatsapp:9080 7468
