Zita & Jeromy (香港 婚紗攝影 Nov 2014)

We’d really like to make a big thank you to the professional team of Bliss Wedding. Without their service and help, our photo shooting day wouldn’t be so smooth and care-free.

The whole process has been such a wonderful experience. We found that their services to be upfront, honest,affordable and professional.

We are really happy that we’ve made our decision of using Bliss Wedding service to organize our pre-wedding photos. With April’s helping us, she patiently explained very detail of the schdule of that day, even before we’ve decided which Plan we going to take! She was very efficient and provide us a lot of helpful informations during the photo shooting day, like where to pick up our dresses and what needed to be paid attention to etc…

For the photos, Photographer ‘s professionalism truely had captured our emotions and depicting our little love story within. Especially me and my husband are camera-shy person and those photos tunred out to be so spontaneous and natural!

Freda also helped us a lot in the post-photo period, it could be a big headache of which photo to choose, she gave contructive opinion and commuicate well with us to accomplish the best result of our photos. Now seeing our photos being progressing and ready to be print out, we are truely happy to see the result of our photos from the team best endavour.

We highly recommend Bliss Wedding to the lovely couples for having an unforgettable and once in a lifetime memories!


Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。 Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。 Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。 Bliss Wedding 以專業婚紗攝影態度,時尚婚紗攝影風格,吸引婚紗攝影價錢,讓你享受不一樣的婚紗攝影服務。

(感謝 Zita & Jeromy 與我們分享美麗婚照)


Bliss Wedding 幸福婚禮
facebook 專頁 www.facebook.com/sesehk

營業時間:星期一至日及公眾假期 12:00noon - 8:00pm
查詢電話:3580 1671
Whatsapp:9080 7468

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Fanny & Leo (哈施塔特 婚紗攝影 December 2018) Karen & Rex(哈斯塔特 婚紗攝影 January 2019) Kuen & Peter (韓式影樓 婚紗攝影 June 2017) Mei & Sum (香港 婚紗城 婚紗攝影 January 2018) Lam Lam & Chris (婚紗城 婚紗攝影 NOVEMBER 2018)

Bliss Wedding 是本地唯一提供香港、澳門及深圳三個自選景點婚紗攝影服務的香港公司,以專業的服務及吸引的價錢,為客人帶來時尚多元化的婚紗攝影服務,專門店設於九龍太子日昇廣場,是百分百的香港品牌。





時間:星期一至日及公眾假期 12:00noon - 8:00pm
電話:3580 1671
Whatsapp:9080 7468
